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Hongkongers Special Offer 2.3 | 逆境同行優惠 2.3

Updated: Apr 2, 2024

last update: 18/1/2023

The past years had been a very challenging year for everyone in Hong Kong, and it doesn't look like it will end soon. With my very limited ability, there are very few I can do. But together, we are much stronger, it's our only hope to get through these challenges.

Discount has ever existed here, because I have always believed my work is worth more than what I charge. This is certainly still the case, but time has changed, it's more important than ever as Hongkonger to stick together through bad times.

* all bookings are eligible for unlimited reschedule/postpone based on pandemic situation

** discount available for any date in 2022 (HIGHLY recommend weekdays to avoid the crowd)

*** meaning you can pre-book your session with a lower rate and if the virus situation makes you uncomfortable, you make the call to delay our shoot for as many times as it takes. (at NO extra charges)

So here we go, the latest offers (last update: 18/1/2023)

- Return clients exclusive discount (please dm me or check our private group NT photography clients' community ​)

- $1,000 off family & maternity portraits upon presenting invoice (within 30 days) from 諾言搬運公司 or 諾賢教育中心 (Ho Man Tin)

- 醫管局員工陣線 HA Employees Alliance member discount on family and maternity portrait $1500 OFF original price. $500 off home and outdoor pets portrait. (for members with membership valid until 26/6/2021 or after)

- HKPF and family member additional charge of $30,000 on top of original price.

Please dm me for pricing and date availability.

**** NT photography reserves the right of all final decisions.

香港人的確共同面對緊好大嘅難關,而且短期內亦預視唔到會好轉。 不過關關難過關關過,我能力唔多,可以做到嘅亦有限。 但我深信,只要每個人都願意出少少力;逆境牌更加要俾心機去打,我哋一定要贏!

以前,我從來唔會做 discount。因為我知道我收嘅價錢唔算最平,但絕對係物超所值。當然而家都係啦! 但到咗呢個時刻,好多分行業都受到極大嘅影響,財政上或多或少冇以前咁充裕,而作為香港人更加要共同進退! * 所有 bookings 都可以因應武漢肺炎情況,而作出無限次改期或延期

** 以下優惠適用於 2021 年任何日子 ( 但我強烈建議選擇閒日 避免不必要嘅人群接觸 )

*** 即係話你而家可以用一個優惠嘅價錢 book 咗先,到時唔對路你可以無限次改期 ( 咁當然係冇額外收費啦 ),唔使驚比武肺玩殘。

最新 offer ( last update: 18/1/2023 )

- 舊客繼續享有專屬優惠( 去 private group 度睇啦,或者直接 dm我 )

- 憑 諾言搬運公司諾賢教育中心(何文田) 一個月內單據,家庭及孕婦攝影減 $1,000

- Goodwill Hong Kong Consultant 高匯香港顧問 -移民服務 客戶特別優惠 (請向 GW 查詢)

- 醫管局員工陣線 HA Employees Alliance會員 家庭相 及孕婦相 原價減$1500, 室內及戶外寵物攝影減 $500 (for members with membership valid until 26/6/2021 or after) - 香港警察及家屬 附加費 原價加$30,000

麻煩直接 dm 我查詢日子同埋價錢。

**** NT photography 保留所有最終決定權。

how it works:

- pick your preferred date (depends on availability)

- make a deposit to confirm

- do the shoot on our scheduled date OR if the virus situation isn't better by then and you would rather postpone it to be safe, we will reschedule a new date (to be discussed by then based on availability)

- there's no limit on how many times you can reschedule our shoot from the virus, safety first!

- balance to be cleared AFTER photo session.

that's it... drop me a line if you have any questions ;)

Text me on Signal at 93004889

TG @ NT831

please take care everyone! See you all very soon.



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